Lake Michigan Shoreline in Winter
- At February 19, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Places
We can’t get enough of these photos from a morning walk along Van’s Beach in Leland. You’ll be amazed at the formations left from the collaborative work of the waves and cold. Fellow contributor Nate also found an opportunity in the excursion to further increase his nature vocabulary with the ice terminology. Frazil ice and ice shark are two personal favorites. If you head out, learn from our experience. It’s slippery walking on giant ice formations! Wear yaktrax or crampons to avoid a fall. Alternatively, you can crawl on all fours after nearly cracking your head open numerous times (yaktrax probably
the preferable route).
- Van’s Volcano
- Fracture
- The Berg
- Ball Ice Formations
- Ice Chains
- Ice clusters
- Capturing the underside
- Stack Ice
- Shelf Ice
- The underbelly
- Crystal Clear
- Icicles
- Exploring
- Wave in Action
- Sand and Ice Clusters
The Homestead – Glen Arbor
- At February 18, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Places
We at Northern Swag recently had the opportunity to cover a weekend stay at a local ski resort, The Homestead, for The Awesome Mitten. In case you missed the article, you can read it here and when you’re done take a peak at some of our photo outtakes below.
We should warn you that after reading the article, you most likely will want to follow in our footsteps and spend a relaxing weekend staycating a stone-throw’s away! Not to fret (do we ever leave you unprepared for your next adventure?); tips are provided below on fitting in with the fudgies tourists.
1. While making small talk with the table next to you at Nonna’s (enjoying Chef John’s creations), drop in the conversation that you’re considering a return trip next summer and possibly adding in a jaunt up to Mackinac (emphasis on the “c”) Island.
2. While winding up a leisurely 20-mile per hour tour along M-22 exclaim at passers by, “You know, someone should really brand that road. It’s not just a road. It’s a way of life! You know what I’m saying?”
3. After taking in a meal at Art’s Tavern, insist that they must take credit cards?!
4. Fill used bags from Cherry Republic and Murdick’s Fudge with popping peanuts and carry several on each arm commenting about all the relatives back home you have to bring souvenirs home for.
5. After unloading at the top of of the ski lift, stand in awe of the view (acting skills required – minimal). If you ‘re really feeling in the groove, ask the lift operator, “Are you sure that’s not an ocean?”.
Good luck out there and bring me back some fudge!
- Izzy and her Instructor
- The View
- The Lift
- The Way Up
- Brian, Jack, and Izzy
- Jack the Shredder
- The Bunny Hill (a.k.a. Where I Roll)
- The Gang
- The Village at Night
- Bonfire and Nonna’s
- Ice Formation on Lake Michigan
- Beach Grass
Ice Fishing – Little Glen Lake
- At January 28, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
A week of frigid temperatures creating ten inches of ice on Little Glen Lake, a shanty that had been discarded on the side of the road last fall, a borrowed auger, 3 dozen wax worms, and three excited fishermen = an awesome surreal day on the ice. Only thing missing? The fish.
Backyard Activity on a Snow Day
- At January 23, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
Yesterday school had been cancelled, temperatures were hovering around zero, and there were flurries of snow and critters alike outside our windows. We spotted cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, blue jays, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers (apparently named by someone who confuses bellies and heads), and of course our friend squirrel, who as usual was up to mischief on our angel statues. On a day requiring a lot of bravado to venture out in the elements, we were grateful for nature coming to us.
Notes regarding photos:
So you want to try photographing your backyard birdies? This is what I learned. Unless you have a good zoom lens, it is hard to get the little guys in focus from very far away. So lure the birds close. We have a suet holder on our deck (seems suet is akin to bacon for woodpeckers) and a little feeder suction cupped right to our window (it may drive your kitty even closer to insanity, but is awesomely fun if you are a backyard bird nerd like myself). I also sprinkled seed on the ground to attract ground feeders like the junco (we use thistle and safflower seed to thwart the squirrels from chowing it all down). Switch your camera to burst-shot mode if it has it and crank up the shutter speed (I used ISO 800). Make a big pot of coffee, perhaps put on your footed pajamas (if you own some, to which I will not admit here), settle in by a window with camera in hand, and be patient.