The Midway
- At July 09, 2012
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
I will admit Cherry Festival week is my least favorite time of the summer. The traffic, all the motor boats anchored in the bay, giant blow-up Frito Lay bags in the open space, and the hard-to-hide-from-a-child Midway rides in the Farmer’s Market lot. The requests started coming from my daughter as soon as she spotted them..”When can we go ride the rides?”. $20 of coin-scrounging later with me scratching my head wondering how she found that much, we were at the ticket booth buying $4.44 rides on the ferris wheels and $3.33 entries into the house of mirros (perhaps more aptly named the house of dirty plexi-glass?). On the bright side, photo-ops and people-watching were free.
Way to look on the bright side: “photo-ops and people-watching were free.” And your photos make it look like a wonderful, colorful, slightly mysterious place. . . just ripe for an adventure! Love this post.
Thanks for reading and your comment Zane! I’m even more impressed by your blog now that I’ve been trying my hand at it!
Ashlea Walter
Clicked on over from Zane’s blog. Love it here – looking forward to seeing more! I have similar feelings about the Cherry Festival, but the ferris wheel was worth the $4.44. It was a beautiful escape from the hot, stinky grounds… and Wren was REALLY into it, which made it all the more exciting. Turns out she’s a pretty expensive date to the Cherry Festival. ouch!
Thanks for visiting and the comment Ashlea! Seeing things through the eyes of a child does make it much more enjoyable doesn’t it? Hope you’ll visit our site again soon…