Supermoon Watching: A Photo Montage
- At June 24, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
All photos taken atop the Sleeping Bear Dunes Climb June 23, 2013. The next full moon will be July 22, 2013. Other late evening picnic-packing excuses to look forward to:
Perseid Meteor Shower – August 12-13
Solar Eclipse – November 3
Next Supermoon – August 10, 2014
Gretchen Schwaiger
What a beautiful montage of the entire supermoon evening from atop the dunes!
Thanks Mom, and thanks for accompanying us to watch it unfold!
Kathy Greene
Once again, you have taken beautiful photos.
Thanks Kathy. Next full moon is late July, will you be up for it?
Mike H
Thank You for sharing. We are truly Blessed here in N. MI!
Thanks for your comment Mike. We fully agree!
Great photos, Kim! I especially love the silhouette dune shot. The super moon was amazing—thanks for letting us know about it the day before so I knew what I was watching rise over the orchard!
Glad you got to watch it, Zane! Maybe we can all head out for the next full moon; the girls would love it. Thanks for the comment!