Primary Elections
- At August 07, 2012
- By Brian
- In Brian's posts, Local Happenings
Tuesday, August 7th is election day. That’s today if I get this post done in time. Otherwise it was yesterday and hopefully you voted. I’ve found that there isn’t a great resource for what’s going to be on the ballots in the local elections, but no worries, Northern Swag is here for you. Below is a run down of the candidates for Grand Traverse County with my comments in italics. I omitted the township elections because there were too many and I don’t even know what township I live in. We just call it the east-side ghetto. Trust me, it’s fitting.
County Clerk:
Cheryl Gore Follette, Republican
Bonnie Scheele, Republican
Barb Willing, Republican
I’ve met and interacted with exactly one of these people, Cheryl Gore-Follette. She’s probably the most boldy dressed candidate in the election. I once saw her in the courtroom in leopard print and bright orange heels. That’s exactly what we need in a county commissioner, unique fashion sense, right?
Drain commissioner:
Daniel Bauer, Republican
Kevin McElyea, Republican
I’m pretty sure this guy enforces local environmental ordinances. I read recently that his salary was cut from around 60k/year to 7k. That might explain the lack of contenders.
David G. Heydlauff, Republican
Robert F. Mitchell, Republican
This guy surveys shit. I think. I don’t really have a clue. I could Google it, but I’m too lazy (and I’m sitting at a computer, that’s serious laziness).
Prosecuting attorney:
Bob Cooney, Republican
It’d be nice to be able to elect the guy who has the power to offer you a decent plea bargain or not, as opposed to having him run un-challenged.
Register of deeds:
Michael D. Farrer, Republican
Peggy Haines, Republican
Can I get a Democratic candidate at some point?
Tom Bensley, Republican
Joe McCarthy, Democrat
Kevin Sandvig, Republican
Ah, here we go. Finally, a Dem. 1 of only 2 in this election. Joe McCarthy was my 6th grade DARE instructor. True story. And I didn’t do drugs that entire year.
County treasurer:
Gregg A. Diehl, Republican
Rob Hentschel, Republican
Heidi Scheppe, Republican
Don Wilcoxen, Republican
The county treasurer is apparently responsible for issuing dog licenses. This is a hot issue in my house as we have 3 dogs. I need to do some more research on this one.
Probate Court Judge:
Kirsten L. Keilitz
Adam Lett
Linda Raetz
Melanie Stanton
In case you weren’t aware, candidates for judicial office are not allowed to affiliate with a political party. Until recently I was more cynical regarding judges and their political activism, but then Chief Justice Roberts of the SCOTUS ruled that the the Affordable Care Act was constitutional and my faith was temporarily restored. Temporarily.
County commissioners
— District 1:
Tom Kachadurian, Republican
Dan Lathrop, Republican
Ross Richardson, Democrat.
— District 2:
Ellen Koenig, Republican
Christine Maxbauer, Republican.
— District 3:
Herbert Lemcool, Republican
Best name of all the candidates, Herb Lemcool or Tom Kachadurian?
Public Service Announcement: I’ve made light of a lot of the stuff above, but getting out and voting is serious business. These people are going to be making important decisions regarding the future of our community that could have a very real impact on your life. The local chapter of The League of Women Voters has some great information here. Get educated and get out and vote!
Oh, and don’t forget, no political signs within a certain number of feet of the polls. Or anywhere if it’s this sign:
Shannon Beery
Nice, Bri! This Canadian will watch from the sidelines, but your take on it all was enjoyable nonetheless!
Thanks Shan! At least it saves you the frustration of voting when all the candidates are from the same party and so get to go to the general election unopposed.
Katie Halbert
I am officially having you as my proxy from here on out based on humor alone. Now you have TWO votes. Think of all the apathy that saddles you with :-).
Ha! I barely made it to the polls anyways, there’s no way I could drag that much apathy around.