Esch Beach a la Winter
- At February 26, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Places
We here at Northern Swag from time to time photograph a local place in hopes of encouraging our readers to go out and experience it themselves. In this photo series from Esch Beach, south of Empire, we hope to have captured the experience of exploring a gorgeous winter beach in near solitude, seeing how the landscape has changed since the summer, soaking in the blazing sunshine, and relaxing to the sound of the waves providing a symphony. Who says you need to escape to the Caribbean for some R&R this time
of year? Seems far to go when you have this beauty right in your backyard, no?
Scroll on down to view something new we tried, a GIF of the waves coming ashore. Kinda makes me want to go back.
A little taste…
Restaurant Week 2013 – Traverse City
- At February 25, 2013
- By Kim
- In Eats, Local Happenings
It’s restaurant week in Traverse City. Nearly 30 restaurants, including almost all of our contributors’ favorites, will be offering a 3-course meal for $25 through this Saturday, March 2nd. The first restaurant week occurred in New York City in 1992 and was the brainchild of Joe Baum and Tim Zagat (yes the Zagat of Zagat’s survey) as a courtesy to the 15,000 reporters that had flooded the city to cover Bill Clinton’s political convention. Lucky for us, the idea has now spread across the country and to Traverse City. It even occurs without 15,000 reporters hanging out in our city. Don’t get lax though, we still recommend a reservation!
Last we checked there were only seven days in a week and still only one dinner per day. So,
we thought we’d give you our insight into narrowing down the choices:
It’s tough to pick from all the places participating in Restaurant Week. I think maybe one year my goal will be to visit all 30, but I’d need the week off from work to do so and somebody to carry me from place to place. Since I’ll probably only get away from the office a couple times this week I need to make my stops count. 7 Monks & Towne Plaza stick out right away. 7 Monks is easy because I’ll likely end up there anyways at least one night this week – so why not get a 3-course meal for $25 while there? The menu looks great and you can’t find better beer offerings north of Grand Rapids. My picks would be the Bamberg Onion, scallops, & dessert.
Towne Plaza is another place I routinely end up, mostly because of their commitment to local meats, and additionally because most of that meat is pork. They also offer a decent drink menu as well, and that combo keeps me coming in. The Restaurant Week menu looks solid, with the exception of the lack of a dessert (I unapologetically have a massive sweet tooth). But, you can never have enough pork so I’d pick the Rilette Cakes, fingerling potatoes, & pulled pork in puff.
I read through the menus and found four of the nearly 30 participating restaurants had vegetarian meals listed. Doesn’t seem like a lot, but I guess there aren’t a lot of veg-heads around these parts. Gold stars go to Red Ginger with an Indian curry that sounds to die for, Trattoria Stella with an apple and ricotta filled tortelli (what isn’t to die for at Stella’s), Cambria Suites (what?) with a vegetarian paella, and Om with their normal veggie entrees.
Poppycock’s also states they will whip something up for vegetarians. They usually have amazing vegetarian dishes; however seems a bit unfair to make vegetarians guess what they’ll be eating for dinner, no?
In addition, I should note that Phil’s on Front is offering your choice of 3 courses off their regular menus for $25. You can find eggplant lasagna and a penna pomodoro for entrees. Point for Phil’s for having two veggie choices and on top of that…if you’re anything like my dad (who is always looking for a bargain)…Phil’s can’t be beat due to the fact that you can order any of their entrees, even the one for $26 (in which case they will pay you $1back to eat a first and third course). That just blows my Dad’s mind.
I have heard great things about the “house” restaurants – Cook’s House and The Boathouse. Making my restaurant week decision by declaring 2013 the Year of the House seemed less arbitrary than ini mini miny moe and less overwhelming than trying to choose from the near 30 menus of the restaurateurs who have put Traverse City on the map as a foodie town. Looking forward to trying a relative newcomer to the scene with Cook’s House and revisiting a long-time establishment of Old Mission with Boathouse.
Much like my penchant for picking the same menu items at restaurants, I likewise seem to do the same thing when it comes to Restaurant Week. My perennial favorites are The Cooks’ House and Trattoria Stella. I’ve been a big fan of The Cooks’ House since they opened their doors to the public on Front Street in 2008. They’ve since moved a short half-block away on Wellington Street and now offer a great selection of wine to accompany their amazing entrees. Eric Patterson and Jennifer Blakeslee come up with some of the most amazingly simple, yet complex-flavored dishes featuring local and sustainable ingredients. From their RW week menu I’d have to go roasted carrot soup, ribs w/ bone marrow mashed potatoes, and then honey cake.
Trattoria Stella features a great atmosphere along with what I consider some of the best food in the region. Whether you’re looking for a great glass of wine or just some appetizers, I’ve never been disappointed with a meal here. Their menu frequently offers a wide array of locally-sourced ingredients with an international-inspired flavor palette. I’m often torn between choosing from their many creative dishes, so Restaurant Week is a great opportunity to try a few of them. I should also note that they have one of the best old-fashioned cocktails around. From their menu I’d select the lobster zuppa, gnocchetti w/ pork shoulder, and torta.
While these are my favorites from past years, I’d love to check out Patisserie Amie/Chez Peres and The Towne Plaza.
I decided to try and pick places that are kid friendly, but my two favorite places from the list were Poppycock’s & Amical. In fact, Poppycock’s is my favorite place to eat. So that’s where I would head. But if you do decide to take the whole family out during Restaurant Week, North Peak would be a good option. I really like their wings, roasted chicken, and fish & chips (another tip – kids eat free on Sunday, so we go there a lot!).
A few parting thoughts/suggestions:
– Let us know your thoughts in the comment section after sampling some of the menus.
– Reservations are highly suggested.
– Don’t forget to tip your server.
– Eat often.
A Look Through Our Lens – Week of February 21, 2013
- At February 21, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
Photo Descriptions (L to R):
1) Front Street, Downtown TC – Valentine’s Day Snow Storm 2) Heart Bokeh – Downtown TC Street Lights 3) Glen Haven Cannery 4) Swag on the Road – Downtown Detroit 5) Winter Comedy Arts Fest Ferris Wheel – TC 6) Deer Lying in Snow – Burdickville 7) Timbers Property – Long Lake 8) Swag on the Road – Grand River, GR 9) Ice-capped Pier – Glen Haven
Lake Michigan Shoreline in Winter
- At February 19, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Places
We can’t get enough of these photos from a morning walk along Van’s Beach in Leland. You’ll be amazed at the formations left from the collaborative work of the waves and cold. Fellow contributor Nate also found an opportunity in the excursion to further increase his nature vocabulary with the ice terminology. Frazil ice and ice shark are two personal favorites. If you head out, learn from our experience. It’s slippery walking on giant ice formations! Wear yaktrax or crampons to avoid a fall. Alternatively, you can crawl on all fours after nearly cracking your head open numerous times (yaktrax probably
the preferable route).
- Van’s Volcano
- Fracture
- The Berg
- Ball Ice Formations
- Ice Chains
- Ice clusters
- Capturing the underside
- Stack Ice
- Shelf Ice
- The underbelly
- Crystal Clear
- Icicles
- Exploring
- Wave in Action
- Sand and Ice Clusters
The Homestead – Glen Arbor
- At February 18, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Places
We at Northern Swag recently had the opportunity to cover a weekend stay at a local ski resort, The Homestead, for The Awesome Mitten. In case you missed the article, you can read it here and when you’re done take a peak at some of our photo outtakes below.
We should warn you that after reading the article, you most likely will want to follow in our footsteps and spend a relaxing weekend staycating a stone-throw’s away! Not to fret (do we ever leave you unprepared for your next adventure?); tips are provided below on fitting in with the fudgies tourists.
1. While making small talk with the table next to you at Nonna’s (enjoying Chef John’s creations), drop in the conversation that you’re considering a return trip next summer and possibly adding in a jaunt up to Mackinac (emphasis on the “c”) Island.
2. While winding up a leisurely 20-mile per hour tour along M-22 exclaim at passers by, “You know, someone should really brand that road. It’s not just a road. It’s a way of life! You know what I’m saying?”
3. After taking in a meal at Art’s Tavern, insist that they must take credit cards?!
4. Fill used bags from Cherry Republic and Murdick’s Fudge with popping peanuts and carry several on each arm commenting about all the relatives back home you have to bring souvenirs home for.
5. After unloading at the top of of the ski lift, stand in awe of the view (acting skills required – minimal). If you ‘re really feeling in the groove, ask the lift operator, “Are you sure that’s not an ocean?”.
Good luck out there and bring me back some fudge!
- Izzy and her Instructor
- The View
- The Lift
- The Way Up
- Brian, Jack, and Izzy
- Jack the Shredder
- The Bunny Hill (a.k.a. Where I Roll)
- The Gang
- The Village at Night
- Bonfire and Nonna’s
- Ice Formation on Lake Michigan
- Beach Grass