A Look Through Our Lens – Week of June 13, 2013
- At June 13, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
1) Picture of rustic – Port Oneida Historical District 2) Sunset reflections – Platte Lake 3) A gilded West Bay at sunset – Traverse City 4) The sky awakening – Traverse City 5) Insane fence – the asylum, Traverse City 6) Another sunset (it’s summer after all) – Glen Haven 7) Don Julin and Billy Strings live music – Short’s Brewery, Bellaire 8) Intersection of water and sky – Treat Farm, Empire 9) Sand, water, bluesky trifecta – Sleeping Bear Dunes
A Look Through Our Lens – Week of May 30, 2013
- At May 30, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
1) Sunset over Big Glen Lake – Burdickville 2) Hours: Life up North – Bellaire 3) Glacial Hills Trail, Antrim County 4) Anchor Station Food Truck Grand Opening – Little Fleet, Downtown TC 5) Raindrops on
leaf – TC 6) View from the Cannery Museum – Glen Haven 7) Mama Duck and her Babes – Kids’ Creek, TC 8) Full moon sunset – Suttons Bay 9) The view up, The Woods
Rocky the Piping Plover
- At May 29, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
Did you know it’s nesting season for the piping plovers (preferred pronunciation is like lover with a ‘p’: Thank you to my mom and her steadfast partner in all things grammar and pronunciation, Mr. Webster, for the clarification)? Did you also know that there are currently only about 6,500 of these little lovers with a p in the world, and that some happen to be right here, right now, in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore having babies?
I had come upon a post about a particular piping plover in the park they call “Rocky” that grabbed my interest. Rocky, the story goes, couldn’t quite get his act together at the beginning. He would sit on his scrape (nest) of rocks instead of the real scrape of eggs, while his unapproving mate looked on. I think she was even overheard mumbling under her breath, “How did I fall for this dude’s stone tossing?” Each year though, Rocky got more “with it.” The next year, apparently still adept at stone tossing, he attracted another mate. When the time came he sat on some eggs (although he couldn’t help himself from sitting on some rocks too). The next mating seasons he finally sat on all eggs and only eggs, and even became a “normal dad” the post says.
I went to the park this weekend in search of some inspiration and in search of Rocky. Walking along, swatting the gnats away, engrossed in my thoughts, he appeared (or at least a lover with a ‘p’ appeared, but please don’t discourage me by saying it wasn’t Rocky). He walked with me for only a bit, after all a normal dad has obligations! But, I had enough time to snap a photo and left the encounter feeling lucky to have made his acquaintance.
I think we all relate to Rocky’s story. After all, we all disappoint ourselves and others at times, we may even sit on some rocks by accident at one time or another, but we have the hope of improving and finding eventual success. We commend your improvement Rocky and say “Good on ya.” Way to do your part in improving the 6,500 figure.
The view from the scrape…
A Look Through Our Lens – Week of May 23, 2013
- At May 23, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
1) Cherry Trees in Bloom –
Traverse City 2) Spider Web in the Fog – West Bay, Traverse City 3) Sunset over Big Glen Lake – Burdickville 4) Magnolia Blossom – Traverse City 5) Bumblebee Pollen Baskets – Traverse City 6) Gulls in Flight – Glen Haven 7) Cherry Blowwom – Elk Rapids 8) Forest in Green – Burdickville 9) Mourning Cloak Butterly – Burdickville
A Look Through Our Lens – Week of May 16, 2013
- At May 16, 2013
- By Kim
- In Kim's posts, Local Happenings
1) Clouds over Big Glen Lake – Burdickville 2) Trillium – Treat Farm, Empire 3) Sunset – East Bay, Traverse City 4) White-crowned sparrow – Traverse City 5) Lake Michigan Vista – Treat Farm, Empire 6) Sleeping Bear Dunes – Glen Arbor 7) Sunset – Bryant Park, Traverse City 8) Cows – Misty Acres 9) Flowering Fir – Traverse City